The most important reason to run off-road lights on your vehicle is safety. They allow you to clearly identify mountain bikers, trail runners, hikers, and other motorized vehicles on the path while helping them see you. The proper lighting allows you to quickly identify potential hazards such as rocks, trees, shrubs, animals, and ditches, so you have time to safely navigate around them. Off-road lights also provide you the ability to easily follow abrupt changes in the path ahead, so you don’t risk accidentally driving off that cliff ahead of you. Even though the primary function of off-road lighting is safety, they also have a great secondary purpose: after hours accessibility.
By equipping your multi-terrain vehicle with off-road lights, you secure the ability to hit the trail long after daylight has vanished. Whether you are running late to your campsite or are on a midnight adventure, the proper trail lighting ensures that the road ahead and all of its obstacles are illuminated. Even when the sun is high in the sky, unexpected cloud coverage or dense foliage can hamper your visibility making supplementary lighting necessary. When off-road, you never know what lies ahead, so it’s always best to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. Running off-road lights on your rig helps ensure that you are ready for any visibility hindrances and that you don’t put you or others in dangerous situations.